
James Holdman is a composer, performer, and improviser living in Minneapolis, MN. Stylistically diverse, he has explored the music of Western and non-Western cultures, including art music, traditional styles, and popular genres, both as a performer and a composer. Formative years were spent immersed in the musical richness of the Detroit area.

Holdman’s compositions have been described as both “quirky” and “beautifully written,” and have been performed in the U.S. and Canada. Mostly writing for small ensembles, these pieces have multiple influences: American popular music, jazz, Western post-tonal art music, plus a handful of non-Western musical traditions.

Holdman’s decades of performing experience is wide-ranging and includes jazz, pop/rock, world music and improvisation ensembles. Current and past groups include the Marimba Bullies (Zimbabwean marimba music); earWorm (electroacoustic improvisation); various Greek music ensembles; Ammala Middle Eastern Music and Dance; Mandragora (Argentine tango); Modal Operandi (jazz); The Dextet (jazz); Head Octet (progressive/free rock); Northern Latitudes Mandolin Quartet (traditional and popular string music); Other Things & Co. (dance theater); and other jazz and popular music groups.

Persistent musical questions led to Holdman’s completion of both M.A. (2006) and Ph.D. (2010) in music composition at the University of Minnesota. He is also a “recovering” adjunct professor of music, and has taught at the University of Minnesota, Indiana University East, Inver Hills Community College (MN), the Art Institutes International Minnesota, plus in other community settings, including with prison inmates.

Holdman’s musical curiosity has led him to many places, including the study of Turkish music in both Istanbul and Athens. Considering language as another kind of music, he has studied several, aiding his exploration of global music.